Tuesday, August 14, 2012


it may seem simple and silly to you, but to me, it brings tears to my eyes. that a nation can have as its' main goal in life to make another person feel good...it's that simple. "what can i do at this moment in order to bring pleasure to another person?" it isn't even what i just typed! that is way to long and involved and from the brain. by them it is an intuitive, heart felt gesture that they are raised with. but each time i am the receptor it blows me away...i am constantly surprised, and touched.

today it happened at a temple ceremony, i walked into the courtyard and the first person i saw was one of my friends' mother in law. she doesn't speak any english, and i don't think we have ever exchanged any words over the past year i have known her, and we have met a handful of times. but as soon as we saw each other, we both smiled. i was with other friends and was going to find a place to sit down on the ground after giving a small donation ($2) for the ceremony, and she was already seated. the next thing i knew a small container of bottled water was being handed to me by her, with a smile from ear to ear, and a moment later a little straw to go with it. anything, in order "to give" to another.

my landlord is working in the garden, comes into the courtyard, sees me sitting with my laptop, asks me if i like coconut water, i say yes, and a minute later he is handing me a fresh coconut that he has prepared for me. and then goes on to continue working in the garden. his wife goes out to get some quick carry out food at night for them, and comes back calling out my name, because she bought for me too.

my friend goes to buy a new broom to sweep their newly laid tile floor at the new house, and comes back with two...one for her mother in law, who lives nearby and would probably also enjoy a new broom.

me walking back after a cremation by the sea and just as i leave the area the last group of villagers that i pass suddenly invite me to join them with their snacks, and later a meal. total strangers.

most times i stop at a new food vendor that i have never bought from before, and tell them i want 10 cents worth of the snack they make from rice and coconut, they always add an extra one at the last minute, before closing it in the banana leaf...a gesture of kindness to the new customer.

the offerings at ceremonies are offered to God, and after they are blessed, they are taken home, and offered to everyone they pass.

i know it from the synagogue i used to go to on shabbat. whenever someone new came, i would go up to them, show them where we are in the siddur, or help them find a kipa or what. i know it from my neighbors in israel, that always shared everything from the garden and kitchen with me...and each time he would bring flowers for his wife, i too received a bouquet.

i know it from kabbalah with rav laitman. it is an art, to be open to the person opposite me at this moment and to give them what they need, even if they don't think they need anything. what touches me here is that it is a national trait, to total strangers too. it is an openness and feeling that we really are all ONE. again and again and again.

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