Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I remember meeting a woman two years ago and suddenly thinking that she "sparkles". It was the first time I ever used or felt that word. I am not a glittery person, and not into sparkles or anything like that. i could never understand how people could buy clothes with sparkles on them since it just seemed so fake. But I remember feeling how she just sparkles, and that that is an option in life. I wanted to sparkle too. So that is how the word sparkle entered my vocabulary and became something desirable and special and appreciated. Seeing her sparkle brought a new element into life. Why not sparkle if it's possible to?!
During the time that has passed since then, I seem to remember sensing myself sparkling one day too, and liked it. Then a few days ago I was standing at the little altar in the garden where I place a flower offering and thank god for taking care of all of us for today at the house and on the grounds. It is placed at the height where I have to stand on my tip toes to put it in place. And then I stand there for a moment saying my personal prayer, and so my glance is towards the sky, and it always gives me a sensation of how god is in all and everything which Is nice and I am grateful to feel each time. But this time, when I was looking upwards to the sky and began to say my blessing, for a split second, the blue sky was suddenly sparkling! It consisted of tiny sparkling stars, like I see on the sea as the sun dances on it every day.
It lasted just long enough for me to know that it was real and appreciate it, and also to suddenly imagine "what if everything really is sparkling, and I just don't see it usually?!"  That thought changed the way I looked at life. If everything is sparkling, then each moment really is a gift and blessed and I am the luckiest person to be alive in this amazing place called life! Just because it was sparkling it made everything seem extraordinary. Each moment was magical. It was all one big gift. Sparkling. I decided to adopt that approach, and am sure that eventually my vision will transform enough that I really will see the sparkles that are there all the time, just at a finer level of vision which I am unaware of at present. If we are all creating our own reality all of the time, then I want mine to sparkle.

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