slowly the dawns early light began to glitter on the flat surface of the sea, and the long narrow fishermens boats were silently gliding across the sea, the lapping of the small waves against the shore made me curious to see them and not only hear them, and i decided to go outside the low stone wall that surrounds the resort, and sit right out there on the shore with my laptop.
as i found a comfortable spot i realized that at every moment i have a choice; i am the one creating my own reality every moment. so why not make it just the way i want it, with the view of the orangey pink sun coming out of the sea for a minute and then it is already above it and shining in the sky. i love seeing the sunrise. whenever i used to take my daughter down to the bus stop for 3 years at dawn, i was always grateful that i could see the orange colored clouds above the valley and distant rolling hills as i drove out to the intersection and back. it is so nice to start the day with watching the sun rise....and i always wondered how i could have a house where i would be able to see it everyday. and now here i was, awakening before dawn and watching it rise over the sea, with the boats, and some roosters crowing, in the pleasant morning weather.
two 14 year old girls walked along the shore in their school uniforms and mandatory pigtails, a boy passed by after them, smiling hello. i wondered what it does to someones soul everyday to walk along the seaside and cross the little stream in order to get to school with the morning sun rising,,,,or what it does to the fishermen that see this magnificent site every morning as they sail out at sea in their fishing community, usually two to a boat.
for me it is a kind of nourishment for my soul that i need. and as i connect by journaling, and praying, and then doing tai chi and my new routine of the 5 tibetan breathing exercises, i feel ready to go out in the world from a place of gratitude for being given another day of life to live in the healthiest, most beautiful and inspiring way i can.
jochan had shown me the book about the tibetan breathing exercises a month ago and i decided that if he recommended them and i was here, why not try it out during my stay. it is interesting. and once i had the whole series down pat, he translated the affirmations that i am supposed to say while doing them. i have quoted a few of them below, since they are very inspiring for me and help me start the day from a place that feels positive and empowered. maybe others can gain from them also, so here are some:
My mind and my heart are in balance
I trust the wisdom of my body
My inner world and my outer world are in balance
I am always at the right time at the right place and I do successfully exactly the right thing.
I allow my body to follow the rhythm of its ebb and flow
I feel and enjoy my vitality
I open myself to the beauty of life
these are some of the things that connect me to something much greater and lead me to make the choices that i do.
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